Help us plan for the future of Hopkins Public Schools!

Help us plan for the future of Hopkins Public Schools!

Hopkins Schools is exploring a set of recommendations that came from our 2018 community task forces. These topics include year-round elementary school, school start times, grade configuration, and non-traditional learning spaces. At the end of September and into October we hosted community engagement sessions and invited our families, staff, and scholars to join us. You can learn more about this work on our Reimagining School Parameters webpage.  

With the help of a district steering committee, we have reviewed staff/parent/student feedback from last spring’s surveys. We also conducted significant research on these topics and listened to participants’ input during the recent engagement sessions. Whether you participated in a community engagement session or not, we would like all families to take this survey to help shape our final recommendations for the four topics. Your responses are completely anonymous. Please complete the survey no later than Friday, October 29. Final recommendations will be brought to the Hopkins School Board in November.