Back to School 2024-25
Welcome to Your Back-to-School Hub!
Start/End Times
School start times have shifted to allow for secondary schools to start at a later time. As a result, West Middle School has a different start and end time this year. If you want to learn more about this change, visit this link.
School Hours: 8:30 a.m. - 3:15 p.m.
Supply Lists
Do you need support for collecting school supplies?
ResourceWest provides school supplies to help students start the school year strong. Their Back-to-School program offers a new backpack filled with basic, grade-specific school supplies to registered K-12 students.
For more information about how to register or donate, visit the ResourceWest website.
See what's coming up at West Middle School!
Get Your Stuff Day
Date: Wednesday, August 21, 2024
Time: 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
- Take school pictures
- Locker assignment
- Drop off school supply donations
- Meet with school nurse to drop off
- Immunization records
- Health plans-Diabetes, Seizure Disorder, Asthma
- Prescription medication needed during school hours
Open House
Date: Thursday, September 12, 2024
Time: 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Early Release Days
To allow our staff to engage in essential professional development, Hopkins Middle School students will engage in four Early Release days a year.
The Free School Meals Program was signed into law in the spring of 2023. This state-funded program allows us to provide meals at no cost to all students. The Free School Meals Program offers one free breakfast and one free lunch to each student every school day. Additional food items will require payment. Rates are below.
Second Student Meal: $5.00
Extra Milk: $0.60
Extra Student Entree: $3.15
Extra Fruit or Vegetables: $0.75
Students must have money in their accounts to purchase any additional items.
Complete your Educational Benefits Application today:
It is very important that all families continue to fill out their applications for educational benefits. School funding is impacted by our free and reduced price eligibility, so it’s important this number is as accurate as possible. In addition, students and families may qualify for other program fee reductions based on their eligibility for free or reduced-price meals. Download an application for meal benefits at or call Nutrition Services at 952-988-4060.
Breakfast & Lunch Menus Special Diet Request Form Free Meal Benefit Application
On Monday, Aug. 26, the transportation department will email families regarding their assigned bus stops, bus numbers, and approximate bus pick-up times. If you have questions, please email the Transportation Office at
If your child is ill or will not be in school for other reasons, please fill out our attendance form or call the absentee number at 952-988-4410.
Leave the following information: student's name, teacher's name, and reason for absentee or tardy. If your child will be absent due to travel or for some reason other than illness, please contact the school for instructional activities.
Before/After School Care
Royal Zone is a middle school before- and after-school program offered on days that school is in session, Monday through Friday, in 8 week sessions at North Middle School. Participating West Middle School students will have transportation before and after school, to and from North Middle School.
Classes offered in each session will include student input and choice. Students will pick from a list of options including sports, cooking, music, homework help, and more.
Registration is required.
Policies & Legal Notices
View the changes to the Hopkins Public Schools policies and legal notices for the 2022-23 school year. Policies are available in each school office, from the District’s Administrative Office, and on our website.
Communication Systems
Canvas Learning Management System
Canvas is our District-wide learning management system. Using Canvas, teachers can collaborate to build world-class, student-centered experiences delivered in person, distance, or hybrid. Canvas allows each student’s learning to be in one central place. In addition, parents are able to observe and access their child’s classroom experience.
All parents and caregivers should create a Canvas Observer Account (parent account).
Infinite Campus Parent Portal
Parents and guardians can access attendance, schedule, fees, and final grade reports in their Infinite Campus Parent Portal. If you have not logged in for a while, this is a great time to check your contact information and to verify that your census and ethnicity information is up to date. If you have a student attending North Middle School or West Middle School, you will also use the parent portal to view assignment scores. If you do not currently have an account, you can request an account on our website.
School Closings and Emergencies
Our email notification system will be used to inform you about unexpected delays or school closings. We will also post this information on our website, social media, and television stations such as WCCO TV (Channel 4), KSTP TV (Channel 5), KMSP TV (Channel 9), and KARE (Channel 11). An announcement will be sent as early as 5:30 a.m. when school needs to close or start late. Early dismissal from school in session will be announced approximately one hour before dismissal.
Hopkins offers translation and interpreter services for families whose primary language is not English. Please contact your school if you need support.