Report Bullying
Hopkins West Middle School takes bullying & harassment seriously. Bullying harms the victim and the bully, and it makes our school a less safe and comfortable place to learn for everyone.
At Hopkins West Middle School, we define bullying as:
Mean actions which included physical actions, name-calling, rumor-passing, exclusion, sexual harassment, and cyber bullying, among others:
- repeated and goes on over time.
- an imbalance of power.
- victim's education is negatively impacted.
These are our school rules about bullying:
- I will not bully others.
- I will try to help students who are being bullied.
- I will include students who are left out.
- If know someone is being bullied, I will tell an adult at home or at school.
At Hopkins West Middle School, we define harassment as:
Involving mean or hurtful words or actions tied to another person's personal characteristics, such as race, class, gender, sexual orientation, religion, etc.
For the complete WMS policy on Bullying & Harassment, please refer to our Student Handbook.
Bullying / Harassment Report
To report an incident that has happened to yourself, your child, or a student you know, fill out our Bullying / Harassment Report.