Welcome to our Virtual Wellness Center! Here you will find resources and activities supporting your social/emotional wellness.
Wellness Center & Appointments
Our scholar's social/emotional wellbeing is one of our greatest priorities. Without mental wellness, learning can't happen. That's why we offer our Wellness Center as a place where students can get the proper resources and consultations they to take care of their mental health.
Please email one of our professionals to schedule a check-in via Google Meet or phone. Please note that we will respond to emails within 24 hours. We ask that you put “Wellness Center” in the subject line, as we get several emails every day and we’d like to respond to your request as soon as possible.
Social Workers
Tina Flowers - Tina.Flowers@HopkinsSchools.org
Adison Hernandez - Adison.Hernandez@HopkinsSchools.org
Tina Flowers - Tina.Flowers@HopkinsSchools.org
Adison Hernandez - Adison.Hernandez@HopkinsSchools.org
Sarah Coffey - Sarah.Coffey@hopkinsschools.org
Laura Stark - Laura.Sawatzke@hopkinsschools.org
Sarah Coffey - Sarah.Coffey@hopkinsschools.org
Laura Stark - Laura.Sawatzke@hopkinsschools.org
School Psychologist
Miranda Bernier - Miranda.Bernier@hopkinsschools.org
Miranda Bernier - Miranda.Bernier@hopkinsschools.org
If you are needing mental health assistance after 3 p.m. or on the weekends, please call Hennepin County Mobile Crisis at: 612-348-2233 or text HOME to 741741.
What’s so great about Journaling? Journaling can help you sort out your thoughts & feelings when there is no one available to help you talk through an issue or if you want to keep that issue private. Writing it out helps you become an outside observer to your thoughts. This is a great mindfulness activity! We have many journals to choose from so email Ms. Flowers if you’d like to pick one up.